Model:egl v.1 (DTMC)
Parameter(s)N = 10, L = 2
Property:unfairA (prob-reach)
Invocation (specific)
./ egl.prism egl.props -prop unfairA -heuristic RTDP_ADJ -RTDP_ADJ_OPTS 1 -colourParams S:50000000,Av:10,e:0.001,d:0.05,p:0.05,post:64 -const N=10,L=2
Walltime:> 1800s (Timeout)

Version: 2.0.beta3
Date: Thu Mar 19 13:04:19 UTC 2020
Hostname: 68eec9c801d9
Memory limits: cudd=1g, java(heap)=8.9g
Command line: prism egl.prism egl.props -prop unfairA -heuristic RTDP_ADJ -RTDP_ADJ_OPTS 1 -colourParams 'S:50000000;Av:10;e:0.001;d:0.05;p:0.05;post:64' -const 'N=10,L=2' -javamaxmem 10g

Parsing the model file "egl.prism"...

Parsing properties file "egl.props"...

4 properties:
(1) "messagesA": R{"messages_A_needs"}=? [ F phase=4 ]
(2) "messagesB": R{"messages_B_needs"}=? [ F phase=4 ]
(3) "unfairA": P=? [ F !"knowA"&"knowB" ]
(4) "unfairB": P=? [ F !"knowB"&"knowA" ]

Type:        DTMC
Modules:     counter partyA partyB 
Variables:   b n phase party b0 b20 b1 b21 b2 b22 b3 b23 b4 b24 b5 b25 b6 b26 b7 b27 b8 b28 b9 b29 b10 b30 b11 b31 b12 b32 b13 b33 b14 b34 b15 b35 b16 b36 b17 b37 b18 b38 b19 b39 a0 a20 a1 a21 a2 a22 a3 a23 a4 a24 a5 a25 a6 a26 a7 a27 a8 a28 a9 a29 a10 a30 a11 a31 a12 a32 a13 a33 a14 a34 a15 a35 a16 a36 a17 a37 a18 a38 a19 a39 


Model checking: "unfairA": P=? [ F !"knowA"&"knowB" ]
Model constants: N=10,L=2
Starting heuristic: RTDP_ADJ
IsMDP false Collapse false break false
ColourParams: S:50000000 Av: 10 eps: 0.001 delta: 0.05 pmin: 0.05
TransDelta: 2.583673656205288E-11
HeuristicSG: Version try0

Computation aborted after 1800.442393064499 seconds since the total time limit of 1800 seconds was exceeded.